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Hi, I'm Sonia Kolasinska

 I'm a professional Dreamer. 

I've been working with dreams since I can remember. Lucid dreams would happen to me spontaneously at first, and later in life I re-trained myself in lucid dreaming that initially I used purely for the magic of it - flying, creating magical worlds, and bending the laws of physics for example by walking through dream walls.

My interest in dream work as a spiritual and personal development  practice was inspired by work of Charlie Morey and Melinda Powell. I now follow the practices in the tradition of Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep (book by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche), although my approach remains secular. I'm a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

Dreamwork as Life Practice

Dreams speak the natural language of symbols and images, just as myths and legends, and are messages from our most authentic Self that are asked to be listened to.

The approach I share with You helped me discover my own calling, bring unconscious patterns to light, and has been guiding me in life.

To me, dreams are deeply connected to nature and intuition - and reconnecting to both is vital for our intellectual, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. 

dream ritual water


The method I share is a combination of the techniques from (post) Jungian approaches and mystical traditions combined with my own approaches that worked for me to deepen my practice. It is highly personal, as dream interpretation is unique to the each dreamer. 

I currently study Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology Masters program where I deepen my knowledge on dreams in neuroscience, consciousness studies, spiritual and transpersonal psychology, and mystical traditions. I'm also a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

Dream work can benefit anyone, however if you're struggling with deep trauma, grief, addition, or your dream content troubles you, I advise to seek support of a specialized therapist.



Ways of working with me

1:1 Dream Sessions

An hour devoted to diving deep into the interpretation of a specific dream.

Dream Circles

Online or in person dream sharing gathering to keep the symbols alive

Workshops & Courses

Learn techniques for dream interpretation, recall, vividness, and lucid dreaming.